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Base Price: $20.10 - $100.50
Price: $3.35 - $4.00

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Green Drake, Pink Lady
10, 12, 16

"This spinner evolved a few years back on the Yellowstone River. The cutthroat trout there can be extremely tough to fool late in the season, and we needed a fly that would float well, present the proper silhouette, and would not twist fine tippets even 5 and 6x necessary for success. 

Casting a large spinner on fine tippets is a recipe for tippet disaster so we decided to use hackle to imitate the wings on this fly. It minimizes twisting while maintaining the perfect spinner profile. And, a large hook always needs help floating, especially when the fly is sparse in design.

That’s why we decided on closed cell foam over the wings that gives additional floatation while allowing the perfect fly outline. A standard tail and dubbed body complete this deadly spinner pattern."

- Signature Tyer Craig Mathews

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