I retired from the U.S. Forest Service in 1994 after 35 years on various forests in the Pacific Northwest. I ended up in Medford, Oregon with the Rogue River in my backyard. In retirement I could devote lots of time to fly fishing and fly tying. In 1997 with the help of Jim Watson at Umpqua I began a long and satisfying relationship with Umpqua. Umpqua picked up my Rogue Foam Stone pattern that year, and it, as well as the various variations, have been doing well ever since.
I have been able to travel and fish throughout the Rocky Mountain west on an annual basis. Also, I have spent many glorious months on New Zealand’s South Island. At home I have taught fly tying classes in Medford and Ashland and participated in IFF tying expos in Oregon and Montana. My particular areas of interest are Trout and Steelhead.